Do you hear the buzz? Of course you do. We all do. Everyone around, whatever event you might be attending you get to hear the buzz. The buzz of the bee ……….. school. The buzz had been going around for more than a decade now but it was never this loud. Be it for approaching the appropriate age [Remember Om mangalam ;) ], or the excess of marketing, Ive been in the buzz for around 3 years now. A B-School or a Business School attracts members from each and every discipline of academics. So if one goes for a survey in a B-School he or she may find a great variety of students. To name a few, the person from a commerce background who aspires for a higher degree and MBA is the best he can afford, the economics graduate who wishes to go ahead and understand the economics of the country from a better viewpoint, the engineering kid who wants to take a better stand among the gross, the CA …… wait ….. rewind that !!
Whatever reasons Ive mentioned till now are secondary. The notion that draws people towards these B-Schools is …. MBA is a degree that one can cash out to get rich. Well, there was a time when this was actually true. You come across someone who has some distant relative with an MBA degree, and you get to hear that he/she is earning in lakhs. But with the approval and rise of some hundreds of B-Schools every year, the notion holds no good. One may even find an MBA working in an insurance firm selling insurance. We live in a world where we get what we wish for but we are hardly ready to take up the trouble to achieve. So just like in every winter some thousands and thousands of bees come out of the forests to the warmer parts of the locality, every summer some thousands of MBA graduates come out of the BEE schools to venture into the corporate world. Some survive, others get killed. ((AAaahh ! How much I like to smash those stupid bees ! ))
So, why do people still opt to get into the BEE schools? Because if you are among the hardworking honey bees, if you have made your way into the best and the largest hive around, if you know how to work in the team, and if you know how to venture into the fields (corporate) , what you get is the best golden crystalline A grade honey that not only has the power to heal, but is also a treasure, something that can actually make one rich. So this is where the notion turns into reality. Go ahead, choose your BEE School, and buzz along ;)
LEGEN..wait for it..DARY !!!
nd even if u r nt a stud..... 'best golden crystalline A grade honey' will fetch u A grade girls....;)
nice post...;)
@AAH - The geek club in American pie ;) ... lol !
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